Project 3: Air Quality in Nairobi


In this project, you'll work with data from one of Africa's largest open data platforms, openAfrica. You'll look at air quality data from Nairobi, Lagos, and Dar es Salaam; and build a time series model to predict PM 2.5 readings throughout the day.

Some of the things you'll learn in this project are:

Time series models are not only important in public health; they're a key part of Financial Engineering. Plus, the concepts you learn in this project will be helpful in Natural Language Processing.

This project consists of 5 NoteBooks :

3.1. Wrangling Data with MongoDB 🇰🇪

3.2. Linear Regression with Time

3.3. Autoregressive Models

3.4. ARMA Models and Hyperparameter Tuning.

3.5. Air Quality in Dar es Salaam 🇹🇿

➡️ 3.1. Wrangling Data with MongoDB 🇰🇪

➡️ 3.2. Linear Regression with Time Series Data

➡️ 3.3. Autoregressive (AR) Models

➡️ 3.4. ARMA Models & Hyperparameter Tuning

➡️ 3.5. Air Quality in Dar es Salaam 🇹🇿